Killer Repair Tips to Help Take Care of Your Home

4 Good Reasons to Have Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned

24 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Are you tired of trying to maintain your carpets with little to no results? You should think about having the carpeting professionally cleaned at least occasionally. Here's why: Get to the Bottom of Things Vacuums only clean so deep. Most vacuums only scratch the surface of carpets during a vacuuming session, especially if you are not pushing the vacuum over the carpet steadily and slowly. Who wants to spend 20 minutes vacuuming a small dining room, let alone the time it will take to vacuum the rest of the house thoroughly every day? Read More …

Using Professional Emergency Water Damage Restoration Services

24 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

 As a homeowner, you never know if or when disaster will strike your house. You can only be reactive and assertive in the way that you respond to them if or when they occur. Part of your response involves knowing whom to call for help, regardless of the time of day that disaster hits your home. You can get the help that you need after a flood, fire, or plumbing crisis by calling a professional emergency water damage restoration company. Read More …

Your Own Guide To Water Damage

23 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Water damage is something homeowners should be concerned about. If you own a home, then you want to learn what can cause water damage, what the signs of water damage are, and what is done during the water restoration process if you have water damage. This guide will educate you on these things:  What can cause water damage? Water damage happens when water comes into contact with areas of your house it shouldn't. Read More …

3 Key Benefits Of Truck Trailer Maintenance

23 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Truck trailers are the backbone of many businesses. For some companies, they're one of the most significant investments. Unfortunately, if they break down, they can be expensive to repair. To avoid these issues, it's essential to have your trucks regularly maintained. This way, many problems will be caught early and prevented before they become major issues. Here are three key benefits of regular truck trailer maintenance. Minimizes Breakdowns Breakdowns are common and can be costly. Read More …

What Is Water Damage Restoration? How The Entire Water Restoration Process Works

22 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Water damage restoration is the process of removing potentially dangerous water from residential or commercial properties when the water has caused destruction or hazards. The following information will give you a better understanding of the water damage restoration process. Intro to Water Damage Problems Water damage in any part of your house can be a severe problem. These problems can be caused by failures like plumbing or by natural disasters and flooding. Read More …

About Me
Killer Repair Tips to Help Take Care of Your Home

When you own a home, it is essential to know how to take care of your home. It is essential to know how to handle repairs when things get damaged and broken, which will happen when you own a home. At Killer Repair, we are here to provide you with advice so that you know when you should get things serviced when to call in the professionals, and when you should try to handle projects on your own. Our objective is to allow you to approach all your home repair projects with confidence through our detailed articles, which are full of tips and advice to point you in the right direction with your home repair projects.
